"Look can we please stop running up tunnels now? It's really hurting my bosoms." - Dawn in Alien spoof
"Don't use your nans microphone again without asking." - Dawn in Mel C spoof
"Well you see, the thing was...I mean it was just so much more snowy and downhilly than I'd been lead to expect." - Jennifer
as an olympic downhill skiier after her not-so-successful performance
"I am completely devoid of random adjectives." - That's the art critic woman in the Andy Warhol sketch
"Is it about this Sir?" - Jennifer in the Silence of the Lambs spoof
"God I'm never allowed time to be a person im my own right!" - Jennifer in Live in 2000. The female angst sketch
"She's on her last 1000 pods. I'll clean up after she's gone." - Dawn in the end of the Alien spoof
"Am I outlined in fire?" - Jennifer in the Matrix spoof
"Rosemary it must be autumn!" - Jennifer as the Neighbour in the Generation Gap